Changing the Way Wireless Networking Works

The next generation of wireless home networking and digital entertainment requires a significantly higher level of quality and reliability than earlier 802.11 a/b/g/n solutions were able to provide. Quantenna’s products are changing the way wireless networking works in home networking, consumer electronics, carrier triple-play services and the enterprise.

Consumers expect today’s wireless home networks to carry up to full HD video with 1080p resolution. Consumer electronics manufacturers and their retail partners expect them to deliver the best possible out-of-the-box experience. Carriers expect them to meet demanding contractual service guarantees, anywhere in the home. And enterprise managers expect them to deliver operational ROI and support mission-critical business applications, with round-the-clock reliability.

The latest IEEE 802.11ac and 802.11n specifications support these new requirements with a variety of key new features that ensure at least 100 Mbps data rates, over more than 100 feet, nearly 100 percent of the time. These critical, Wi-Fi features include 4x4 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) with dynamic digital beamforming and channel monitoring and optimization. Quantenna is the only company to offer the entire complement of these features, and has developed a family of solutions that deliver wired Ethernet performance, including:

  • Predictable performance with ultra-reliable whole-home coverage
  • The performance to deliver up to four near-flawless full HD video streams with 1080p resolution
  • A small footprint, which enables the development of extremely compact consumer products